Submission Request

Publication Submission Requirements

As part of the publication submission process, authors must ensure that their submissions meet all of the following requirements. Submissions that do not meet these criteria may be rejected.

·        The research has not been previously published (or any part of it), nor has it been submitted for publication in any journal or publication medium in any form (printed or electronic).


·        The research submitted for publication aligns with the topics and research areas specific to the Scientific Journal of the Ahmed bin Mohammed Military College.


·        I acknowledge that the research complies with human authorship standards and that no artificial intelligence techniques, such as programs (ChatGPT) or similar technologies, have been used in preparing and editing the research.


·        I acknowledge that I have read and followed the writing guidelines adopted by the journal, and I have reviewed the document linguistically, ensuring it is free of typographical and linguistic errors.


·        I agree to the "Declaration and Undertaking" form, have filled it out, signed it, and attached it to this submission.


·        Research methods and ethical integrity standards have been followed, and the accuracy of facts, data, analysis, and discussions in the research has been verified.


·        The final and complete research file has been submitted for publication in a unified WORD file, in accordance with the journal's requirements, not exceeding 15,000 words.


·        The unified research file submitted for publication includes: the article title, names and information of the author/authors (in order), abstract, keywords, in both Arabic and English languages.


·        The latest version submitted has been approved by all contributing and lead authors.


·        The curriculum vitae of the author/authors is attached to this submission.


·        I commit to reviewing the submitted research according to the comments of the reviewers, in both the review and arbitration stages.


·        I undertake not to withdraw my research during or after the initial approval and arbitration stage, where the journal has the right to request compensation for the amount - estimated on a case-by-case basis to cover costs.


Researcher's Guide:

These guidelines, which we hope will be followed in their entirety, aim to assist authors, reviewers, editors, and members of the journal's editorial board in adhering to uniform and consistent rules that apply to all articles published in the journal. This is to enhance the level of publication, and to facilitate and expedite the review and publication process.

  • Objective Publication Guidelines
  • The research must be original, not previously published, either partially or completely, and should not be submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • The research should be rigorous and contribute significantly to its field.
  • The researcher must adhere to intellectual property laws, ethical standards, scientific research principles, and ethics.
  • Submitted research can be in either Arabic or English.
  • In each issue of the journal, it should be noted, "The authors are responsible for the data and opinions presented in this publication. These opinions do not necessarily represent the views of the journal or the college."
  • The research should adhere to the language rules, including clarity of writing style, language correctness, expression accuracy, and diversity in the value of cited scientific references.
  • The research should follow scientific principles, rules, and all main content considered in sound scientific research.
  • The research size should range between 6000-15000 words maximum, including margins, and research sources and appendices if any.
  • The journal may accept publishing requests for research derived from a master's or doctoral thesis, based on strict guidelines related to research quality and scientific contribution. This should be disclosed when submitting the publication request and in the "Author's Pledge and Affirmation" form, which should be mentioned in the first margin. The thesis supervisor's name is mentioned after the student's name, university, and program.


  • Technical Specifications for Research
  1. Research Structure
    • The research is presented printed on A4 paper according to the approved page layout, which is as follows:

A – Page Margins:

- Top and bottom margin: 2.54 cm.

- Right and left margin: 3 cm.

B- Font in the Text:

- Font type: Traditional Arabic for Arabic.

- Font size: 16 Bold for regular text and abstract.

- Font size: 18 Bold for titles.

- Line spacing: Single.

C- Font in the Reference Margin at the Bottom of the Page:

- Font type: Traditional Arabic.

- Font size: 14 Regular.

- Line spacing: Single.

English Language

- Use Times New Roman font for English with a size of 16 Bold for regular text and abstract.

- Bold for titles.

- Font size: 14 Regular for the margin.

- Applied research and English language papers are exceptions.


  • Primary research titles are written independently at the beginning of the line, while subheadings are written independently on the right side. Secondary titles are written at the beginning of the paragraph, and no lines are placed under any titles, whether they are primary, subheadings, or secondary. In all cases, subheadings and secondary titles should be numbered sequentially.
  • All tables and figures in the research text should be numbered sequentially, each with a title written two lines above the table. The table is documented immediately below it, and the space for any table or figure should not exceed the specified size for research pages.
  • All research pages, including those containing tables or graphics, should be numbered.
  • Margins are indicated with sequential numbers along the pages of the research or study, and they are explained in order of their sequence.

Important Note: Research that does not adhere to the mentioned page layout will not be accepted.

  1. Research Documentation
    • General Rule:

References for sources are documented in the margins as follows:

  • If mentioned for the first time, the full name of the author, the title, the publisher or print house, its location, the edition number, its year, and then the page number, or the part number and page number, should be mentioned.

Al-Qazwini, Ahmad Ibn Fares, Mu'jam Muqayyis al-Lughah (Beirut: Dar Al-Jeel, 1991), 2nd ed., Vol. 5, p. 467.

  • If mentioned subsequently, the book's title, the author's name, and then the page number should be mentioned.

Mu'jam Muqayyis al-Lughah, Ahmad Ibn Fares, Vol. 5, p. 467.

  1. Special Rules:
    • Source Documentation:
      • Book and Pamphlet Documentation:

Al-Qazwini, Ahmad Ibn Fares, Mu'jam Muqayyis al-Lughah, edited by Abdul Salam Muhammad Haroun (Beirut: Dar Al-Jeel, 1991).

  • Conference Documentation:

If mentioned for the first time, the title of the presented research, the presenter's name, the conference title, its date, and the sponsor or organizer (if any) should be mentioned. Then the page number, and if it is an intervention or comment, the name of the author and the page number should be mentioned. In case of the conference's recurrence, the title of the research and the presenter's name, the conference title, and the page number should be mentioned, or the "previous reference" if the same reference is repeated immediately.

  • Journal or Periodical Documentation:

If mentioned for the first time, the title of the topic and the author's name, the name of the journal or periodical and its volume, the date of its publication, and then the page number should be mentioned. If mentioned subsequently, the title of the topic (which may be shortened if it is long), the author's name, the title, and its volume, and then the page number or the "previous reference" if the same reference is repeated immediately. In case the topic is different, its title and the author's name are mentioned, followed by the page number.

  • Website Documentation:

If the website is mentioned for the first time, mention the title of the research or article or similar, then the author's name, the website's address, and the time of taking the information from the site (day, hour, minute). If the website is mentioned subsequently, include the title and the author's name, the website's name, or the "previous reference" if the same reference is repeated immediately. If the topic is different, mention its title and the author's name, followed by the page number.

  • Newspaper Documentation:

If the newspaper is mentioned for the first time, mention the article's title, the author's name, the newspaper's name and its volume, and date, then the page number and the column number (usually). If it is mentioned subsequently, include the article's title and the author's name, the newspaper's name and its volume, and the page number or the "previous reference" if the same reference is repeated immediately, making the necessary adjustments if the article, author, or page number is different.

  1. Reference List
  2. Arabic references are written from the far right first, alphabetically, not alphabetically. Immediately following them are foreign references from the far left, disregarding the definite article "Al" in Arabic and "The" in English.
  3. Do not number the references in any form of punctuation and enumeration.
  4. APA format does not require placing the Quran within the references.
  5. Include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) at the end of the reference, written as follows (, obtainable from the Crossref website. Some works do not have a DOI but have a URL, and in this case, .URL is used.
    • Books, Dictionaries, and References

Jaber, Judat, Al-Azza, Saeed, and Al-Mu'ayyidah, Ali. (2002). Introduction to Psychology. Dar Al-Thaqafah Library for Publishing and Distribution.

Cavalli, R. S., Thomson, G., & Jefferson, S. (2007). Informatics (2nd ed.). Sage Publishing.

  • Edited Book

Mulika, Louis (Ed.). (1965). Readings in Social Psychology (3rd ed.). National House for Publishing.

Ekman, P., & Davidson, R.L. (Eds.). (1994). The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental Questions. Oxford University Press.

In the text, mention the author's name, the original work's publication date, and the translation's publication date, as follows:

(Halimi, 1999/1986) (Piaget & Inhelder, 1966/1969)

  • Chapter in an Edited Book

Suwayf, Mustafa. (1965). Al-Farabi and Ibn Khaldun. In Louis Mulika (Ed.), Readings in Social Psychology (3rd ed., pp. 3-73). National House for Publishing.

Watson, D., & Clark, L. A. (1994). Emotions, Moods, Traits, and Temperaments: Conceptual Distinctions and Empirical Findings. In P. Ekman & R. L. Davidson (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental Questions (2nd ed., pp. 89-93). Oxford University Press.

  • Article in a Scientific Journal

Khater, Shaimaa, & Qunsuah, Fatin. (2017). Dimensional Analysis of Intervention Programs Using Developmental Computer Methods to Improve Facial Emotion Recognition in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Egyptian Journal of Clinical and Counseling Psychology, 5(4), 519-551.

Alhabib, S., Nur, U., & Jones, R. (2010). Domestic Violence Against Women: Systematic Review of Prevalence Studies. Journal of Family Violence, 25(4), 369–382.

  • Postgraduate Theses

Al-Qattan, Samia. (1974). A Comparative Study of Anxiety Levels Among Adolescents, Blind, and Sighted Girls [Unpublished master's thesis]. Ain Shams University.

Zarei, R. (2017). Developing Enhanced Classification Methods for ECG and EEG Signals [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Victoria University.

Leigh, J. (2010). Self-determined Mindfulness and Attachment Style in College Students [Doctoral dissertation, Indiana State University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

  • Conference Papers and Meetings

Al-Khadr, Othman. (2006, December 12). Stock Trading Addiction Among Stock Traders in the Stock Markets of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia [Paper]. The Third Conference of the College of Social Sciences at Kuwait University, Al-Shuwaikh, Kuwait.

Scull, N., Alkhadher, O., & Alawadi, S. (2017, August 3-6). A Qualitative Examination of ISIS and Al-Qaida Members in Kuwait [Paper Presentation]. The 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC., USA.


  • Report or Judicial Decree

Capital Markets Authority. (2013). Decision No. (25) of 2013 for the Commissioners of the Kuwait Capital Markets Authority Regarding Issuing Corporate Governance Rules for Companies Regulated by the Capital Markets Authority.

Kuwaiti Law. (2016). Kuwait Companies Law No. (1) of 2016 and its Executive Regulations.

Bahraini Law. (2001). Decree-Law No. (21) of 2001 Issuing the Bahraini Commercial Companies Law.

Sultanate of Oman. (2019). Royal Decree No. (18) of 2019 Issuing the Commercial Companies Law.


  • Intellectual Property Rights Statement
    • The Scientific Journal of the Ahmed bin Mohammed Military College provides free electronic access to its content, based on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports global knowledge exchange.
    • The Scientific Journal of the Ahmed bin Mohammed Military College is an open-access journal, meaning that all of its content is freely available to users, including institutions.
    • Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without prior permission from the publisher or author, as long as they cite it as the source.
    • When submitting the work for publication, the researcher(s) grant the journal and the publisher of Qatar University a license for publishing, including displaying, storing, copying, and reusing it, under the terms of the license:

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).

  • This license allows non-commercial use, and the work must be attributed to its author, with any modifications indicated. This means that the researcher(s) retain copyright, but others can download and copy the content for free, distribute it, transmit it in any form or by any means, remix it, and build upon it, as long as the original work is attributed.
  • For the full terms of this license, please follow this link
  • This license does not apply to materials published by external entities that restrict copying under their copyright notice unless the third party is also subject to a similar CC-BY Creative Commons license or an equivalent license. Researchers must comply with any copyright notices from external entities.
  • Researchers can also reuse abstract information and citation details (such as title, author's name, and publication dates) for their article anywhere and at any time, provided that a link back to the article on the journal's website is included.


  • Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered on this journal's site will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

  • Acknowledgment

 Publishing etiquette requires having an acknowledgment where the researcher expresses gratitude to the publishing entity and to all those who contributed significantly to the research. This can be included in the margin.

  • Sources of Funding

All sources of research funding must be included in the article. In this section, the full names of the funding bodies should be written, not abbreviations.